January 13, 2010


I jumped rope for 3 minutes today. I was exhausting.

I also put air in my tires. And realized that my drivers side front tire is ALWAYS 10 psi less than the other tires. Am I that fat? :'( (lol. silly car)

I'm pmsing AGAIN (re: false PMS 2 weeks before PMS is supposed to take place.) and today I was supposed to start and didn't. I'm not worried. Just frustrated because I was having a good pattern going with super accuracy and now I'm PMSing all over the place. Fuck you period. I'll find a way to get rid of you (THERE ARE WAYS. I WOULD GIVE UP MY ABILITY TO HAVE BABIES FOR THIS IF DOCTORS WOULD LET ME.)

I'm looking for a cord for my sewing machine. I feel like SEWING but my cord got lost the first time I moved. I feel like sewing. I was talking about me and Michelle's clothing line, and how I wanted to open a REAL goth shop (not a trend based one. Lets face it, adult goth style stays pretty much the same, minus a few branches of the alt tree.)

I've been wanting to make my bustle vest/corset for a while now. I feel like starting it. At least getting the pattern drawn up. I need that damn cord!

I'm really happy right now.

This just in: stabbing at a Christian school. Anyone wanna remind me why religious people think they're better than everyone else? Oh well. I have my delious, noodly diety to keep me happy.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Was it my old christian school? that would be delicious.

I wish we could just randomly open up shop somewhere in this city. to tell you the truth, we'd have to get someone who's good with finances. because today i realized that i cant even subtract three digit numbers without a calculator. i didnt even try with pen and paper. whatever, i'm an artist, i dont need basic math! (fuck, i'm screwed, aren't i?)

you should try the pill. periods are dealable. i need 1 advil AT THE MOST. usually, i dont get any cramps. its wondrous.