August 31, 2010


I'm happy.

August 29, 2010

oooooh yeeeeah. :P

1st week of school up.

I went to the rave. Totally by myself. I met cool people. I had FUN.

I need to keep this up. I've been HAPPY. Content. I'm doing my homework in a timely fashion. I'm being productive.

I move to Waynedale soon. I'm so excited to get out of this place.

wish me luck.


August 26, 2010


I'm really tired, but I want to get started on my French homework so I can be prepared for my next class. I like knowing answers when I'm called on. I also need to think of a topic for my community project in Intro to WS.

Anyway, college life...

I love being on campus. I love walking from one building to another and seeing loads of people chilling in the grass, on the benches, around the building. I love being around tons of people all the time (but not knowing any of them, so not having to deal with any shit.) I wish I were better at meeting people though. I've started talking more to the people I sit next to in class today. It's hard to ignore them though, the girl in WS is talkative (not in a bad way, I like people who are really extroverted since I have a very introverted personality) and the girl I sat next to in French today had the same Dresden Dolls shirt I have, a septum piercing and lots of tattoos. Yeah. I LOVE the people at college. So many mohawks, so many tattoos and so many piercings on so many differnet types of people.

I was invited to some techno thing tomorrow night. I'm afraid to go alone because I know now that I won't know anyone. At the same time, I don't want to miss out just because I'm afraid of being alone in a crowd of people. Just because I'm shy and have trouble meeting new people, I end up cheating myself out of fun times. I don't want to do that anymore, but I don't want to be in over my head either.

I'll figure it out. Who knows.


August 22, 2010


I love mah friends.

August 20, 2010


Getting things ready for the GLITTER party tomorrow. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. It's not exactly a big party, but it's bigger than girls night, and a preparation for my birthday party, so I know what I need to get done and when and what not to do.

I still need to talk to my neighbors about telling us to quiet down if we get too loud. I don't want anything bad to happen, and we're usually pretty mellow (but giggly) with these things. Only 3 people are gonna be there that I'm not used to being around when alcohol is involved, and, if worse comes to worse I'll just have to ask them to leave :(

I can't wait for my birthday. A bit over a month away.

4 months of school coming up. I'm so nervous and I know I'm going to be exhausted from not getting any breaks. wish me luck.


August 15, 2010

Getting things in order STILL

I startd cleaning my closet, and I need about 25 more hangers to get all the shirts and dresses hung up, and about 30 of the ones with clips for my skirts, and little storage bin to keep my tights from getting ruined. I wanted to finish it all tonight, but my car is at Shiferly's to get fixed tomorrow. No one is home to drive me anywhere. I hate that.

I almost bought a skateboard today :) I still want to learn. Maybe a pair of derby skates instead, idk.

I've been trying to slowly get back to the healthy eating thing I had going on earlier this year, right? Not doing TOO horribly. But I still feel like I could be doing more. I'd save a lot of money if I stopped eating so much fast food. Almost $100 a month, actually. Which would be enough to buy real groceries, which are healthier.

I'm going to try to get back into art. I was looking at my binder from senior year, it's filled with writing and GOOD drawings. I wanna do that again.


August 14, 2010

moar stuff

Still haven't gotten around to finishing my blog on Brittany's hair. I procrastinate... And my laptop has been buggy and messed up, and I've been working on getting college things taken care of. I'll get there though. I will!

Got my finacial aid! Will only have to pay about $50 for classes this semester, plus books. Next semester, depending on if I take two 3 credit classes, or a 3 and a 4 credit class (like I am now) I'll have about $200 extra from my loans so I'll have money for books that won't be taken from my check. I'm so happy everything is coming together.

Me and Jacob are thinking of moving as soon as our lease is up. I'll probably work at his store until I get another job. living closer to school means I can drive myself. No wasting 12 hours of my day at IPFW! I do need to try to find a job in the area though, so that I gtfo of wendy's.

This is my last week of summer. :)


August 11, 2010


FAFSA e-mailed me, and said that my college will tell me about any grants or loans that I'm eligible for. I check the site and it's not updated yet. I hope gets done SOON. I need to know this stuff, so I know if I have to drop french (which will CRUSH my spirit.) Hopefully I at least get student loans. I NEED them.

And I'm about halfway done with my blog about Brittany's hair. I just need to get the drawings done and put it all together :)

Things are going good. I'm not sure why. Work still stresses me out like nothing else, and there are so many things that I need to get done... I don't know, I used to feel lonely all the time. I don't anymore. It won't last forever. But I'm glad.

I'm trying to get back into my health kick I had for a few months. This is my second pop-free day (okay, there was a little sierra mist in my drink from arby's, but it was mostly light lemonade and fruit punch.) When it stops being so hot I'll start exersizing again. I don't want to be tan, nor do I like sweating or dehydrating. I know I feel 100X's more confident about myself when I'm healthy, and it improves my mood. And I get less migraines. Much less.

I was thinking... I want to start a club at school. Or use people at school to start SOMETHING. Do more with my costume parties. I LOVE planning parties. I don't have money. I get a group of people who love dressing up as much as me, and we pool money together, have a big party somewhere and invite EVERYONE, and charge like $3 at the door. Make money, use it for more parties and for charities and stuff like that. Maybe do actual volunteer work. It could be fun. I'll need to make a bunch of weirdo friends then. :P


August 09, 2010


I'm rarely proud of the things I do anymore. Mostly I just feel uncreative and lack inspiration. All my efforts feel lost and lay unfinished, rubbing in the shame of my lack of accomplishment.

I dyed my hair this morning. Partially out of boredom. Partially because my hair was looking dirty with the faded copper and with how the hard water stained the blonde. I had the choice between the brown I had, and the burgundy red color. I picked the burgundy. Dye, rinse, and bam, I look amazing. It looks SO GOOD on me. I'm really happy with it. It matched my green sunglasses and looks nifty with my purple eyeliner (both the eyeliner and my hair color make my eyes look so green.)

I went shopping. Got the Gaga issue of Vanity Fair (looooooove it) got some hair things, nail polish remover and rainbow lollipop from dollar tree. Went to see my family. My cousin Nick was there. He's a flight attendant, and even when he's in layover in Indy he doesn't have time to stop by. But he was here. He's so damn funny. A smart ass, really. He had Scarlet Johansen (spelling? I don't care enough to check) one of his flights. I guess she's diiirty. Used the bathroom on the plane barefooted. And he was next to Snoop on a train while he ate fried chicken. yeah. NIFTY. I love that guy.

Then my uncle invited me to go with him when he goes to Las Vegas the week after I turn 21. WOOT. I'll have to pay for it, but he said after the flight and the room it'd only be like $500. We'll see.

THEN I dyed Brittany's hair. I was nervous. I was just winging it. I had very little idea of what I was doing, but I had a bit of an image in my head. But holy shit, I turned out AMAZING. I'm JEALOUS of her hair. SO JEALOUS. My hair looks good on me, sure, but I want awesomesauce fun colors too! (I'll have an entry for it up on my dye blog as soon as I have pics of it.) It's my first creation in a LONG time that I've been proud of.

Then I get onto my IPFW page and see the damage to my wallet. About $1800. Plus two books, $90 each new, $67 used. So less than $2000 for my first semester. And mom is getting FAFSA done for me tomorrow. So in about 4 days I'll know if I'm getting any money (hopefully I will be. ANYTHING will help. I have like $900 in the bank, but I don't want to have NOTHING left.

So yeah. For the first time in a LONG time, I'm fully and totally content. I'm HAPPY. I even went out of my boundries and worked at my brother's Wendy's with a bunch of people I didn't know. Made light conversation. It was good. And got me some $$ to make up for missing Thursday. YEEES.


August 01, 2010


My favorite free app as of now is easily my Kindle App. I can buy digital books on Amazon (which are usually cheaper than the actual books) and load them to my phone to read as I please. I know I'd much rather have the physical book, but the ability to have cheap short stories at my fingertips is unexplainable. I spent my whole day reading a 79 cent story off of my phone. I can even download trials of books and read the beginning to see whether or not I want to buy it. It's like going to the bookstore without leaving the couch.

There are a lot of cool apps, and a lot of useful ones and fun ones, but this is easily my favorite. If only I could buy physical books AND digital books for my Kindle App at the same time :( that would be amazing. At least now I won't feel as guilty about buying cheap used books, because I've already read them and I only want the physical copy to take up shelf space.

School starts soon. I'm nervous and excited.
