January 22, 2010

Amanda is sexy, deal with it. (and other stuff)

I got a bunch of stuff from hot topic because they had 50% off of the clearance price and thats how I roll.
Green houndstooth bandana, purple houndstooth bandana, cute little black gloves with white lace and cut out fingers, rainbow shoelaces and a red fishnet shirt (last two obviously not pictured.)

On another note, I was reading links from Amanda's Twitter, to pages about her outfit at the golden globes.

I suppose my opinion is pretty biased, but I think she looks flippin sexy. What really gets me though, is the fact that 90% of the negative feedback has to do with her unshaved pits. Seriously? Her dress looks hot, her hair is cute and she herself is gorgeous anyway. I know some people are more comfortable with having their own pits shaved, but there are absolutly no reasons for why shaving is better for you. In fact, it's UNNATURAL. Why can't someone be NATURAL? Why would her pits stink? Because they're hairy? I'm sure she partakes in basic hygeine like BATHING and DEODERANT. Hell, I didn't even look at her pits until someone pointed them out, I was too excited about how awesome her outfit turned out.

What REALLY gets me, is men who think women need to shave. Why would you want your woman to have the vagina of a prepubecent girl? Pedophilia really is becoming more the 'norm' nowadays with younger and younger girls trying to dress and act older and older, but that doesn't mean it's something that has to be done. I have body hair to signify that I am in fact a fully matured women. If I CHOOSE to remove it, it's my own business. If I choose not to, get over it. The only time a man should be able to demand a women show no signs of physical maturity (sans breasts, of course. 12 year old girls body with DD breasts is hot I guess) then they can remove every hair on THIER bodies that show signs that they're physically mature. That's pubes, chest, back, legs and pits. Enjoy.
As for being a fame whore, no, not really. She's just being way fucking out there and that's just who she is. Self absorbed? Probably a little (but who amoung us with any self-esteme aren't?) On hard drugs or drunk? No. Never do drunk what you wouldn't do sober. She'd do it all sober, so really she has no need to get drunk and "loosen up" she can be herself and have fun without the booze. Yeah, she DOES enjoy wine quite a bit. And does still get drunk. But had she been drunk at the Golden Globes she'd have been saying so via Twitter.


My little sister's baby daddy isn't allowed to see her anymore (legally, not parentally) because someone finally realized that HE HAD SEX WITH A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL. This is ILLEGAL regardless of HIS OWN age (15 at the time.) It doesn't matter that they claim to love each other, or that it was consentual, she's a minor and younger than him. It would have been just as easy to NOT have sex with a 13 year old girl. He should pay child support, maybe get some sort of visitation rights, but he also should get the charges pressed against him because he DID commit a crime. Old phrase, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. True, and fucking OBVIOUS.

My fanfiction so far is an OC/Toad (X-men) story. As of now I have 3 pages (written, not typed) that involve a sex scene and establish the two main characters and the minor plot. Larger plot isn't fully determined, but the minor plot is enough to make up for it (in my sick twisted mind. I couldn't find a story in the twisted nature when I was looking, so I'm kinda incorperating my thouhts into this.)

Quick Replies
I was actually planning on buying this for my artistic smoking. I probably wouldn't even inhale. Maybe not even put them in my mouth. There is just something sexy and artsy about a cigarette held daintily in someone's hand, with the smoke wafting around them.

And it's Arika. Yeah, spelled like that. I remember how she reminded me of freshman you, and how it was funny because Erika was always your characters name. The videos were about her, because she had a nasty herpes outbreak on her face and tried to play it off as a 'rash' from her boyfriends stubbly chin (seriously? It's not sandpaper and steel wool, it wouldn't look THAT bad.) but yeeeeah. At least you weren't a herpes whore. Or fucking retarded. In the military you only need to score a 30% to join as the most basic level of soldier. This is a low F. She didn't score high enough for them them to accept her. I don't think her or her sister even have their high school diplomas, and every grade they got while homeschooling is actually the result of them cheating. My brother witnessed this.

Anyway, it's late so I need to be trying to sleep. This is when I get the better ideas for my story :)


1 comment:

Michelle said...

I found black cherry cloves in patrick's car. (: I really want to smoke 'em. Even though cigarette smoke makes me cough.

I need to go sale shopping. I was going to today, but my class was cancelled and it was too early for the mall to be open, so i went home and slept. :D

I saw that dress on her blog, and I was like, "I wonder what she'll wear under that." But this is AFP we're talking about. (I can see her nipples! :'D)

What did Tia name her baby? And why was this man not put in jail the minute it was clear that he knocked her up?? WTF, Decatur. WTF.

Oh, Arika. Okay.
I'm not sure how some people become so fucking stupid. Seriously. It pisses me off. It's like, I'm surprised that some people are still walking around and functioning, because it's obvious that someone tripped on the power cord that connects to their brain a long time ago.
"You know, you really should have that thing turned on..."