February 18, 2010

Twins, discrimination, migraines and my hair.

The Evelyn and Evelyn debate still continues. I still don't get it. I still fail to see the discrimination in having a fictional character that is "disabled" with a sad story. Or, looking light heartedly at the bad things that can happen to you in life.

I put the little quotes around disabled because I think it's a very very strong word for someone who is fully functional but happens to be conjoined to their twin. A little abnormal, sure. But they function quite well. To me, a disabled person is someone whose life is hindered by their physical or mental challenges. Whatever. I know it's not the "real" definition.

And, to quote Amanda when Oasis hit a rough spot with a lot of people. "When you can no longer laugh at the darkness in life, that's when the darkness takes over."

It's just as true with this as it was with Oasis. Why was Oasis okay simply because it involved things Amanda has gone through? Life experience isn't everything. You can learn a LOT from others experiences. Dark humor has also been her strong suit.

Whatever. I took my new medicine today. I'm not sure if it worked or not, but when I was coming down from it I got a wicked migraine that I really didn't see coming (I usually do) and even after some more pills it's very present.

I cut my own hair. Pictures later. I miss my mohawk. Badly.


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