February 10, 2010


My back hurts. I took some pills. It still hurts.

I did the dishes, washed all the towels I could find, and cooked. Yeah, on the stove. Then, as I start to put together the shelf I bought months ago and remembered that the hammer I had last time belonged to Jacob's Ex. So no shelf tonight.

I'm going to dye my hair soon. Next Tuesday is an inspection, so probably after than. Green for sure. I don't know what to add to it though. Purple will look nice, but I want colors that can fade together when I was it, otherwise I'll have to wash each section separately. Big pain. And I really want to cut my hair. Short, flippy, spikey, maybe with some blunt cut bangs? I'm in love with short short hair. Unfortunately I'm "not allowed" to shave my head. I wanna fucking shave my flying spaghetti monster damn hair.

I just tried to draw a picture of what I wanted, and it turned out badly. Another day then.


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