August 20, 2009

money and books

After reading as slowly as possible I finally finished The Lunatic Cafe. ;_; I can't wait to read more on Anita and Jean-Claude.

Why the fuck aren't these books being made into movies? Not a shitty T.V. show, that'd ruin it. But I'd watch all fucking 17 movies. or, make a 17 episode mini-movie thing (it can even be made-for-tv) I just want this shit to come to life. I LOVE it.

Brad thinks I'm doing a good job with opening :D I CAN CLEAN WELL. He said he's never seen the towels looks so dirty, which means I've obviously been cleaning things that haven't been touched in a while. I pride myself on my dedication to detail when I clean. I swear by the end of the month I'll have all the dirt cleaned out of the little grooves on the wall. It annoys me to no end when I wall is dirty. How else would I have been able to spend an entire day making the walls in Brandon's kitchen look pink again? Yeah, they looked yellow when I started. Skills kiddies, skills.

:) I actually don't even mind opening. Besides me feeling a little tired from getting around earlier, it feels like a normal 5 hour day, except I get 7 hours out of it. Bad ass. My pay checks are going to kick major ass, compared to the ones I have now. I mean, my $309 check was amazing. I can't recall ever breaking the big 3-0-0 mark. But I should be in the 40o's on my checks once I get a check with two of my 35 hour weeks (I know, that's 70 hours. I CAN accomplish multiplying by 2)

Going to the Mall Saturday. I'm re-reading Guilty Pleasures, then re-reading the comic and so on until I have my next fix. I'm a fucking junkie.


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