August 22, 2009

Anita made-for-tv movie, betches

Appearantly, after minimal research, I've found out that Anita Blake will be made into a made-for TV movie. HA! Go me. Should be released in 2010. Whenever (if ever) it's made on DVD, I'm fucking buying it.

My stomach is hurting, and I'm tired.

I've been listening to slipknot to pass the time. Volume 3: the Subliminal Verse [bonus disk 1]

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the acoustic version of Vermilion. Of course, I also fucking adore the original. The man can scream, sing and just plain talk and still sound seductive as all hell. I wasn't really into the CD when I first bought it, but I'm getting pretty into it now.

Maybe I'll get another CD... Even though the only Slipknot songs that I know are on this one. I also want Hailstorm. I think that's what they're called. They have a chick singer, which usually really puts me off a rock band, but damn I like that song that they play on the radio. I mean, fuck, it's even a SONG ABOUT SEX done in a sexual way (Amanda Palmer sings about sex all the time, but it's not so much erotic as it is realistic) but I'm hooked.

I don't feel as guilty about liking the music due to the fact that as far as I can tell, the singer doesn't seem like a total twat and her music isn't just catchy bullshit (like, say, Katy Perry)...

Can't wait to get more Anita Blake.


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