December 05, 2008

To finish off what I said the other night about boobs, I found a site that said that 99% of results seen by breast pills are just the placebo effect. Unfortunately placebo's don't work on me. They did however say that the most overlooks form on noninvasive breast augmentation was through (get this!) HYPNOSIS! I could totally go for that. It probably won't be as cheap as the pills, but it's actually supposed to work. However, I don't think I'm the type who'd be able to get hypnotized. It's worth a shot in my opinion though. I mean, besides money there's nothing to lose, and quite frankly, money isn't THAT big of a deal, as long as it was saved up and we can still pay the bills. I think I'll be getting food stamps once I move out, because I don't have a full time job and don't live with my parents. Brandon may be able to get food stamps too, and together we'll buy enough food for the both of us :D (my brother told me that if he ever found out I was living off the government he'd kick me in the ass. Way I see it, I pay taxes for the schools but don't have kids, so shouldn't I get something in return?)

anyway. I got some new socks from sock dreams. I LOVE that site. The stuff they import isn't that great (well, it's good but really expensive) but I got another pair of O Basics, they're magenta. They're GORGEOUS! and I got this pair of Super Stripes... let's put it this way, if my thighs we thinner they'd be crotch high. they're AMAZING. black and white striped. They're mostly out of stock on things right now, but since I only like the sock dreams exclusive socks that means they should be back before too long.

I'm broke. and my tires need replaced. But my christmas shopping is mostly done. so all will be okay. I just want it to warm up already. I know it's not even really winter yet, but it's just too damn cold right now and I don't have a warm enough coat ):

Much Love <3

1 comment:

Michelle said...

oh shayla.
tisk tisk.
please don't become my father.
or my mother.
or everybody else in decatur.
don't rely on the government to help you buy food and essentials when you're spending money on hypnosis and socks.
i mean that.