July 16, 2009

Harry Potter/Old Ladies Shouldn't Drive/Racoons/Midol Time

I went to see Harry Potter with Brandon today.

I don't want to talk about it's awesomeness, for fear of getting someones hopes to high, just to lead to their incredible disappointment. I also don't want to say it was horrible, for fear of someone not going to see it.

Long story short, just go see it and make up your mind for yourself. It could be fabulous, or it may totally suck. I don't even think I've decided yet.

I miss spending a lot of time with Brandon. Today was kinda nice. I don't miss not being bombarded with sexual innuendos though. It gets old fast. It seems to be a common trait amoungst all the guys I know, and it really turns me off of talking to them. Of all the things in the world to shoot a joke about at random moments, why does it always have to be the easiest and most overdone? Sex isn't funny anymore.

Also, old lady hit a co-workers car not one, but THREE times while trying to go through our drive through in the wrong direction then realizing the vehicles were going the other way, then trying to back out. Three fucking times. She was right next to the van when she was trying to go through the drive through, so she KNEW it was there, and knew she hit it (I don't care how old you are, you know the difference between a small accident and your car not driving farther. If not, you shouldn't be driving) THEN went through the drive through to get food and drove off. Bitch. A few dining room people got her plate number, and gave it to my co-worker along with their numbers in case they needed proof (we got it on our cameras too.)

This is pathetic enough. I already think that most old people need to figure shit out and realize it's time to have their grandchildren drive them around, but what KILLS ME is the fact that the cops just wanted my co-worker to pay for the damage herself and not involve the other vehicle BECAUSE it was an old lady. For one, being old doesn't mean she's sweet. She's probably one of the bitchy old people we have come in there so often. Two, she clearly either KNOWS she hit it, in which case it's a hit and run (illegal; and he's a cop. It's an equation anyone can figure out) or she actually didn't know because of bad vision/senile/on strong old person meds; in which case the bitch needs to have her license taken away. Next time it may not be another vehicle, it may be some kids on their bikes, or crossing the street/parking lot.

The fact that cops don't want to pursue this (if for nothing else, to get her insurance information so the damage can be fixed without my co-workers insurance going up... You know, since the other guy having insurance is specifically so that YOU don't have to pay for damage that THEY do)

On a lighter note. I almost hit a family of Raccoons on my way home today. But I hit my brakes and managed to not even hit one :D yay for cute little critters.

I'm gonna need to go buy some Midol and tampons tomorrow, and some junk food so I can cave up in my room for the weekend.

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