October 10, 2008


still no period. fuck fuck fuck. But I'm calmer about it now. I'm not really worried because the cramping symptoms should have ended by now if I were pregnant. I'm probably just really really late. I'm taking the second test tomorrow. If it's still negative and I don't get my period soon I'm gonna take another, if still negative I go to the doctor. maybe I started menopause early? that would be sweet. but if brandon wanted a kid I'd honestly love to have one for him... just not while he's in prison.

I've gotten in contact with an old friend. Hillary. She's going through a bad break-up. we've been talking a LOT.

well... I'm gonna go. If I think of something else to write I'll be back.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm glad you're not pregnant. Or, at least i think i remember you saying something about your period yesterday. if not, then OMG, YOU COULD BE PREGNANT!! D: