February 25, 2011

You touch PP, now it’s personal

I think in a lot of (not all) cases, pro-life simply comes down to people thinking you shouldn’t be having sex. They choose that path because of religion telling them that they’ll be evil sinners if they fancy themselves a nice good love-makin’ and in a sick way seem to feel that getting pregnant after that evil act is their punishment for not being married first. Then see women out having a nice healthy sex life (yes, women specifically, they don’t generally seem to slut-shame men) and not having the terrible repercussions they were told that they’d have all because of the lovely devices called Condoms, Birth Control, and (less likely, despite what they seem to think) abortions.

“HOW DARE THEY,” they declare, because being punished for their sins is what GOD WANTS BECAUSE THE CHURCH SAID SO. And then they take it upon themselves to make sure that life becomes harder for the women by trying to abolish abortion and cheer at the possible end to government funding to places like Planned Parenthood because they allow you to get inexpensive birth control and free condoms (who cares that they also help you keep healthy with STD and cancer screenings, let’s forget about that little fact because it goes against  the crusade against an act deemed evil by the church.)

Thankfully I know quite a few sane pro-life people as well, who are more than happy for people to have birth control if they choose to get busy, but sadly it’s the ones I’m talking about in the post that make life so much harder on those not financially well off. If you’re going to be against government health care, you can at least allow the poor people to be able to find inexpensive medical help so that the not-so-well-off don’t become the homeless and the dead for not being able to pay hefty doctor bills.

Didn’t god also say something about loving your neighbor as yourself? Or helping others even though they’re sinners? I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure my 10 years of Christian schooling and forced sunday schooling said so.

Here’s a middle finger for the government for even CONSIDERING cutting PP funding. We pay more money towards our military than any other country in the world COMBINED (at least any other high power in the world combined, I know that much for a fact.) but NO lets not cut military budget a little and stop all this war nonsense, lets cut funding that greatly benefits the poor. Fuck you guys.

Maybe the rest of the world wouldn’t see us as an evil threat if we didn’t have such extensive military funding? And maybe if we cared more about our people than what’s going on in other parts of the world the other parts of the world wouldn’t be trying to hurt us? Maybe. I’d say anything that brought less war and more HELP FOR OUR PEOPLE is great. Who cares about the people when we could be sending them overseas to die, while their families sit at home and also die because they couldn’t afford to treat their medical conditions because our funding went to the military.

I didn’t mean to end up in a rant, but I guess this is bothering me more than I thought? I just wanted to shed light on the fact that in order to lessen government spending they’re strongly considering ending their funding to Planned Parenthood instead of cutting their excessive funding to the military.

I know freedom isn’t free, but doesn’t putting war above the citizens make us seem like a cold and cruel country? I’d say it’s pretty dehumanizing to ourselves, and it’s always easier to kill something when you dehumanize it.



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