February 11, 2011

Stress and Happiness

Problem after problem. So much stress. I think quite a few people need to take up my philosophy of "just be happy" because it seems like even when people fix one problems that's stressing them out, they find another one to bother them immediately afterwards. Bad things don't have to equal out to unhappiness. Crazy as that may sound. if I didn't have someone on my case about every little negative aspect of my life I'd be in a much better mood more often. Not because I don't care about the problems or because I won't take care of them, but because I know that 1) stressing will make every little problem seem 10x's worse which causes MORE stress. Rinse, repeat. 2) No matter how bad the problem is, if it doesn't hinder my ability to function it's not as bad as it seems. 3) Letting myself forget about the problem gives my brain the rest is needs to actually handle the situation without hurting anyone, causing other people MORE problems, without exploding and therefor seeming over emotional, and definitely taking the best route possible because I've been able to think about multiple options.

Stop making me stress when I don't need to. Bad things will always happen, and they'll happen to everyone no matter how much they try to be good people or live good lives. Accept it. Deal with it. and Move on.

When my life goal became achieving genuine happiness, nothing immediately clicked to make me feel better and I always seemed to have something to upset me going on, but I also started to appreciate what few things were going well for me. Mood=improved.


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