February 22, 2011


I'm TIRED. I'm stressed out. I have an interview today. I don't think it's really an interview interview, but I have to sit down with the manager of my new store and talk about why me and my previous boss don't get along. I still don't know quite how to put it in words besides saying that he's an unreasonable ass-hole that will look too far into everything you say and do and then take it very personally. (Like, you know, cutting my hours from 24+ a week to 3 because I asked to transfer to a store that would be more convenient for me to work at.) So my stomach is turning, add on top of that the fact that I didn't sleep well and then had to wake up at 6 thing morning for some fucking reason that didn't involve me at all.

I have errands to run, things to worry about. I can't deal with stress and tiredness at the same time when it seems to be an everyday occurrence. I'm running on empty, dammit.


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