January 26, 2011

school work

I need to stop pmsing all over the place. +migrane +cramps +stress from math class.

I got my boots for my trip to New Mexico. They're called Fugitives by Aslo. I thought that "fugitive makes it sounds like something from WoW!" so I now refer to them as my Leather Fugitive shoes of the eagle. :) +346 water resistance +120 intellect :) Yeah, they'er water resistant. And Leather. Does that make me a Rouge? I think it does.

My Algebra is going so much better now. Apparently I'm not as stupid as I thought. Then again, I'm only a few weeks in. I'm on problem 13 of 50, and only didn't know how to do 2 so far. I should probably be able to get to 20 before I get to stuff we haven't covered in class yet. :) Then I have reading for my popculture class, and to look up a topic for my journal. Hope I can keep up with all of this.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

+120 intellect!? You can never have enough max mana when you go on archaeological digs.

(And do we really still have our periods at the same time?)