October 10, 2013

Why is it... That you only argue with me. You can even disagree with the person I'm arguing with but not bother to step in and aid me with the argument. 

But if I'm trying to say something? You'll go out of your way to miss the point of what I'm saying to pick and and argue over how I said something I said isn't 100% true or my opinion on that trivial thing isn't accurate. You'll ignore the whole point I'm trying to make to do this. Every time. 

But damn, wouldn't want to argue WITH me. 

(Literally only said that legal prostitution was usually cleaner than legal porn, because porn isn't strictly regulated as most are ameteur, and prostitutes in areas that sex work is legal ARE regulated.) 

But no. Clearly I don't deserve to be defended. Not even in this. If I said all prostitution and all porn? Maybe it'd be a different story. But I literally watched a fairly recent documentary on this. But whatever. 


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