January 11, 2013

Acceptance letter

Oh, I got my acceptance letter from Ivy Tech. Just have to, between now and the fall, have orientation and stuff.

One YEAR at this school is less than one semester at my last school. So, if I get the same loan money I'll be able to go full time here if I want. So I'll be done in two years if I want. Less if any of my credits transfer.

Then I'll be off to find a job that pays me more than minimum wage (if I'm not at GM. Maybe they'll call me for the summer. Fingers crossed.) Hopefully that job will be in Indy or Bloomington. Maybe it'll be out of state. Then I can finally finish up school and get my BA or even my MA somewhere other than IPFW.

I'm so fucking determined to be the first in my family to get a degree. My brother is in school again too. I hope he makes it too. I'm going to make my dad fucking proud. Prove my mom wrong (that I'm NOT a D student. That I CAN do well in school).

I hope I can keep this motivation.


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