August 18, 2011


I saw that hot topic sells Lomo cameras on their website. My need of film cameras is back. I want a Holga so bad. I put that filter on all of my photos anyway. And the Sprocket Rocket sounds really fun, even if it's difficult to find a place to develop it properly. And who doesn't want a 9 lens camera? I know I want one.

I also found out that Polaroid has a mini print-maker. Same no-ink styled paper that you think of when you think of Polaroid (okay, this has no borders, but stiiiill) and it's got a sticky backing X3 . and you can print images from your phone via bluetooth! I can make my own fucking stickers with the pictures on my phone. And it's only about $13 for 30 of the film papers. Fuuuuun. It's only $50. I'm fighting with myself over this.

And Lomos come in so many pretty colors. I want a camera rainbow D:

(also, the Anthro club got 4, possibly more, 35mm film cameras. 3 are Cannon Rebels!)


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