August 14, 2011


I've been trying to finish Obsidian Butterfly. Started yesterday (from the point where I stopped, of course) and I've gotten through 100 pages. I remember when I was on book 1-6 and I read the entire 500 pages in one weekend. But I'm getting back into it. I think the only reason the last two were so dry for me was because they severely lack my favorite character. Even mention of him. Oh, Jena-Claude, you fancy french-man vampire. C:

As a reward for myself when I finish it. I bought myself a Neil Gaiman book, Neverwhere. It sounded pretty good. I also think I need a break from Anita Blake. They're on about book 20 now in that series and I'm still on book 9. I'll eventually get more, but I need some time in other fantasy worlds. And Doctor Who gets back on BBC America soon. Anita Blake and Doctor Who aren't very mixy. I need my fandom obsessions to be mixy.

I applied for a job yesterday. I'll talk more about that after I see if anything does/doesn't pan out from it. My hopes aren't high, but I'm still hopeful.


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