April 27, 2012

New Blogger?

I don't like the new blogger. Straight up don't like it. It's not as clean. I'll probably get over it. I don't blog a lot anymore between work and pinterest and living.

I have cramps. Not horrible ones. I'm not puking. But it hurts enough that I don't want to get out of bed to put my rice sock back into the microwave. I never think to get my heat wraps when I'm not on my period and when I am I'm in too much pain to get up and go. I'll need them if I'm working at GM. Plus I'll hopefully start some sort of birth control to reduce this bullshit. I'll keep the fucking Nuva Ring in and not get like this ever again. Whoever thinks birth control is for sluts obviously doesn't have a period.

I desperately want to finish another round in the blanket I'm making but I'm in too much pain to sit in a position to crochet.

Hopefully Jon is done taking care of the dogs soon so we can reheat my rice sock and maybe run to walgreen's. I don't work til 7, but I want to make the most out of my day.

I tie dye for the first time tomorrow! I'm excited.


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