December 16, 2011

3rd world countries and ungrateful douches

This started out as a comment on a complaints post... but it's been going through my head like crazy.

By denying yourself 1st world pleasures you're insulting 3rd world countries. Think about it. Yeah, they can't go to a doctor when they get a fever. Yes, they've lost loved ones who were dying of worse disease than whatever you may have... but that's no reason to not go to a doctor when you need it. If anything it's all the more reason to go. There are kids who don't have parents because they died from a curable disease because they couldn't get treated, and here we all are acting as if we're saintly because we refuse medical treatment in their honor? No. Just no.

If I lost someone close to me because they couldn't afford to go to a doctor and I heard some dick-cunt from a 1st world country tell someone not to go to a doctor because I'm suffering, I'd want to punch them in their genitals for being so ungrateful. Letting someone or yourself suffer isn't going to make the life of a poor 3rd world country child any better. If anything it shows how much you're willing to take what you have for granted. Want to feel better about other kids suffering? Help them. Don't hurt yourself, don't let your loved ones be hurt. Fucking help the kids who need it, or stop using them to make yourself feel better about the harm you're allowing to exist.

You aren't good people. You're ass holes, and instead of trying to put others in their place by guilt tripping them, you need to be put in yours.


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