October 07, 2011


It's weird. I don't think I realized how stressed out I've been over money. For the last few weeks I've had headaches daily. I figured it was just allergies or me not getting enough water and food. Sometimes I probably could have done with a little more water, and some days I did spend excessive amounts of time outside...

Yesterday, I realized I had double what I expected in my Crayon bank. When I got my school money I slipped a $50 into it with the change because I knew I wouldn't touch it until it was an emergency. I didn't touch it until my bank account was nearly 0. Best part? when I popped the bottom off and fished out the bills in the sea of pennies I found that I din't just put a 50 in there, I put a 50 wrapped in a 50, a 10 and two ones. :) I know the exact reason I did so was so that the fear and anxiety of almost being broke would scare me into being smart about my last $100. I also knew I'd forget. I love myself sometimes.

Then on my way home from school yesterday I figured I was so close to Wendy's that I may as well stop in and ask for my job back. My brother starts there Sunday as a manager so I figured I'd at least have that to look forward to as far as the environment went. The whole thing is so love hate with me, but I need a paycheck and me and my brother work together fabulously. She was more than happy to give me hours since she never terminated me officially :) I have a job. I'm EMPLOYED again. I don't intend to work the hours I used to, or the same shifts. I'm getting good grades and I'll be volunteering  soon. I need to be spending about 12 hours a week volunteering, going to school full time, doing homework, taking care of my responsibilities as the secretary to two clubs and still getting shit done with my life. I don't have 35 hours to dedicate to Wendy's every week anymore. If I can pay my phone bill, help out with my car, get gas and still have a bit left over for whatever else I'll be doing grand.

Finally, yesterday was my birthday. I'm 22. Even though I feel old and I feel like I should have done so much more so much sooner, I got monies for my birthday and spent time with my dad and brother.

What point am I trying to make? All those things happening, despite some issues I had yesterday, have put me in a great mood. Now that I'm in this great mood I don't have a headache when I normally would. I've drank and ate just as little, but feel completely different.

Even at 22, life is a big crazy roller-coaster of emotions. I don't know if I mind, but it's interesting to think about if nothing else.


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