June 14, 2011

more money

IF I can make $10/hr I can live happily on my own in the most expensive highest level studio apartment with $210 left over every month (at which point I'll just take the 499/month apartment on a lower floor) but that's really not a realistic way to live.. But that's including my car payment. And not including loan money for school. Okay, I'm just trying really hard to make this all work out even though it won't.

I hate admitting this considering how much I long for close knit relationships, but I really need to be on my own, and in complete control of everything in my life, even if the situation is complete shit. Applied for a different pepsi job, that only pays about $10 an hour. It's just not good enough. The WOST department needed someone working about 12 hours a week for them, but only if you have work study funds. I don't.

Getting the oil in my car changed for the first time today. It's free, at least.

Wisdom teeth being pulled in 2 weeks from today. Going to cost about $300 or more after insurance.

Rib-fest is this week. I don't know where the hell I'm going to get the money for it from, but dammit I will find a way!


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