June 25, 2013

Running Away

I'm not okay. 

I feel like I'm drowning again. I feel like everything is wrong. I want to tear down all the walls and break everything and hope that something new grows. 

I was thinking of how I almost ran away 3 years ago before I started college. I had money saved. I found an okay place to crash. I could have had a life changing adventure but I didn't. And I hate myself for it. 

I have no savings. I can't do anything and I'm just really trapped. I've been trying to break up with rob for the last week but I don't know how. I can't live with someone anymore. I just want to be alone but I don't know how to just come out and say it. He's the only friend I really have. But I'm starting to hate him. 

How the duck do I do this? I'm sitting next to him and in my brain I'm just screaming "for the love of god can we just break up already" but how the fuck do I do this? 


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