November 24, 2012


I bought myself a bamboo splash drawing tablet.

It'll hopefully be here early next week. I just shipped today.

I'm in that mood where I really want to do roller derby again. Not a new feeling for me, but I feel like it's one of those things I'll never do, because there are so many things that I want to do. And skate and kneepads and all that cost money. I've been wanting that drawing tablet since high school and I just not bought it and it was only $60.

I think I'd be happy if I were at least skating. Nothing serious, just practicing skating because I'm not very coordinated. If I practice I'll hopefully pass the hazy phase I always have when I'm learning something, and hopefully grasp the ability to focus on what I'm doing instead of zoning out. Zoning out is my #1 reason for being average at almost everything I do.


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