October 07, 2009

Zombieland Birthday

Did I post about my birthday? No, I don't think I did. Well, it was baaad. The gifts were sweet, but the day sucked ass. So many bad things happened that I was pretty run down. It's cool though, cuz I have sweet Hello Kitty fleecey pajama pants, cute candles, balloons, MONEY, and make-up bags (and the Craig payed for me to go to the movies today with my brother, him, and Dan and their friends.

I'm going to be having to go into work an hour earlier on Tuesday from now on, because our new premium apple wood smoked bacon (which is fucking delicious) is cooked in the oven, which I happen to clean every Tuesday, and instead of taking 20-30 minutes it take about an hour and a half. But it's an hour more of pay a week :D YES.

Zombieland. I saw it today. It was fucking brilliant. Words can't explain how much I love that movie. It's definitely in my top 10 movies. It's even a ZOMBIE MOVIE. I think, after this movie, that my fear of zombies has been reduced to an average fear, instead of the intense one from back in my freshman year/8th grade. Thanks to Brandon slowly forcing and tricking me into watch movies like Resident Evil (which, despite scaring the shit out of me, I kinda liked) and now a humorous zombie movie, I'm over it (mostly...)

I love that girl too. I think she's the girl in Sex Drive, and in that movie that I didn't really like... Superbad, that's it. I love her voice, mostly. Girls with long hair and blunt cut bangs aren't really unique to my standard day, but her voice is unique.

Also, I've been doing a bunch of typist tests. The same one, actually... But over and over and over. I always thought I was a fast typist, but fuck, only 66 correct words per minute. Fffffffffffffffffffffff-. I'm finally got 67, but I want to type 100 per minute by the end of the year (lets see how long this pans out, haha)

Cashing the check dad gave me tomorrow. YAY :D I think I'm gonna buy some ducktape. I've been thinking out a new coin purse. Possibly with magnets. Idk. But I want to make a new one, maybe sell some. who knows. I just need a non-internet hobby. haha.

OOH, yes, That book I ordered from Border's, Voice of the Blood, they canceled my order. BASTARDS. I didn't want to buy them used, because I enjoy breaking in a new book (knowing those little creases are from me reading and enjoying the book. Ah, the little things. One must appreciate them. Zombieland said so. I'm also craving a twinkie.


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