November 25, 2013

Reading romance and being Grey A

I was particularly fond of Anita Blake in the early books because she had no interest in Jean-Claude (or, she had dirty thoughts but didn't want to act on them) and her story love interest actually didn't play a huge role. It was there. It was a PART of it, but it wasn't what the story revolved around and it was minimally important in the book. 

The more prominent it became and the more sex became a theme I just kinda trailed off and lost the connection. 

Being asexual makes reading hard when there's a huge portion of sex in the plot. I kinda get the romance the the tease and the build up, but not sexually. So when it gets to the point I just feel disconnected from the characters. :\ 

Can someone rewrite like book 7 and after with less sex and less importance of sexual tension so I can enjoy the plot? 

I need a long book series damn it.


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