July 16, 2009


My faith in men his dwindled once again. Only this time not because of something dumb Brandon did. There's a plus :)

1) Breast size and attractiveness doesn't equal age. Just because she has perfect skin and huge tits doesn't mean she is legal. And just because you aren't going to try to bang her doesn't make it any less disturbing that you're staring down a 15 year old girls top. Would you want a 30 year old guy staring at your 15 year old sister's boobs, regardless of how she looked or how big her chest was? Didn't think so. So stop.

2) Just because she looks legal doesn't mean you should believe her when she says she's 18. When they look YOUNG, it's a good thing to make 100% sure that she is the age she claims. As someone who looks a bit younger than she is, I can say that even though it's a bit tiresome to hear that I look 16 it's always nice to know the guy isn't a creeper. Ask her parents. Her friends may lie for her. He parents won't. The only reason she'd be pissed at you for it is if she's underage and you just fucked her plan of dating someone whose 20-something.

3) If you find out that the girl your dating is underage, and your legal, break the fuck up with her. Once you find this out, your 100% liable for anything that happens. You could spend the rest of your life as a sex offender if her parents found out you had sex. Also, if you're love was as deep and profound as you thought it was, in a few years when she's now legal, you guys will have no issues getting back together because you'll have waited for each other, right?

Only exception to this is if you're only two years older than the girl. 16+18= okay. 17+19=okay.

4) no matter how much you love huge tits, I will always believe in quality over quantity. I find that anything larger than a C has a profound amount of sag. Bonus points to you if yours remain perky at that size, but you're a rare gem. I don't care if you have DD's, because once you aren't wearing a bra you titties hit the bottom of your ribcage and when you move they somewhat resemble mudflaps on a semi. Some (and maybe a lot) of guys may want to motorboat in them, but my nice little breasts will look just as sexy when I'm 30, while yours will begin to looking more like those of a 60 year old lady.

5) Tattoos aren't trashy unless they're inappropriate or profane. Period. Tramp stamps included. You don't have to like someones tattoo, but you can deal with them, especially when they're on your significant other. I'm sure there are things about you that they wouldn't mind being different but they manage to love you all the same and cherish your body like you should cherish theirs. They shouldn't NEED permission for one. If you loved them, you'd let them do things that made them happy as long as it didn't take away from the relationships. Period.

6) Men are stupid. Women are stupid for not accepting this. Men are stupid for wondering how a woman could cheat even though they're aware of how a man could. Women are stupid for thinking their innocent victims for forgiving a cheater and having him cheat again. Men are stupid for thinking that a woman can't be so negatively effected by past relationships that (gasp!) they'll have to help them lose their baggage before you can get serious. Women are stupid for not letting go of their baggage on their own.

7) "I want to bang you" "you titties are fucking huge" and any other remark regarding how "sexy" you think a stranger is is NOT a compliment. Period. Maybe it'll help you get into a girls pants, but it's more of an opener to find out if a girl is easy. If you want a girl to feel special, tell her she's special. If you want her to realize how crazy you are about her looks, tell her that. Don't make her feel like a degraded hooker.

8) Why do men fear periods? You're not the one whose hormones suddenly switch, is laying in the bed with cramps and bleeding for 3-7 days. Just play nice, buy us some chocolate (or whatever it is said girl craves on her period. I'm usually more of a soda and salty snacks girl myself) When she snaps at you, just be nice. When she stops being on her period she'll be happy that you were her sweet care-taker when she wasn't at her best. Also, don't purposefully avoid her or blame ANYTHING regarding her behavior/looks/desires on her period. EVER. Some girls may not mind, but it's best to not risk it. I punch Brandon once for telling me "It's okay, it's just because you're on your period"

Seriously. Just don't bring it up. Play nice and just pretend she's sick or something.

I believe that sums up my feelings for today.

I'm starting to get cramps I think. Fuck being a girl.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I just bookmarked this blog post because it's THAT TRUE.