First off, I went to Pride Fest on Friday night, and it ended up that the guy who was going to hang out with us brought along Crystal, who I haven't seen in ages (probably years, I think) and it was fun and we met a few new people and as Brandon and I were leaving we saw Chris Richards, who I haven't even heard from in a few years.
Saturday I woke up extra early to go to Breakfast with my family because Nick, my cousin who spends his days flying all over the place, was in town for the day. Tia and I were debating about our phones, to which he whipped out his iPhone and said something along the lines of 'I have an iPhone, and I'm pretty sure it's cooler than any phone that either of you have" :D so not only does he have a fucking iPhone, HE BRAGS ABOUT IT THE WAY I DO/WILL!
Then I went home, hung around. I think I slept quite a bit yesterday. The only downfall was that I accidentally hit a turtle while I was driving Micheal home. :( I still feel really bad. Why couldn't it have been an animal that actually did some harm? like a racoon or an opposum? Turtles don't hurt anyone. :(
Anyway, I stop at Brandon's we we hung out for a little bit. And I slept like a baby. This morning, I got some yummy sauge egg breakfast (and fell asleep before I could finish eating it...) But I decided that I wanted to move something. I can't remember what, but it lead to me deciding that I wanted to get a shoe rack, and I ended up finding one in the basement... that lead to me taking it apart, leaning one half back where my shoes are, and hanging the other half on my door. I edned up hanging all my belts, headbands, neclaces and hats on there. One thing lead to another, and next thing I know my closet is organized. I still have baskets on the floor, but I have haven't quite gotten to my dresser, nor do I have enough hangers at the moment.

So I decided to drive to town to get my tv stand from Brandon's, and ended up getting my cork board as well. Again, one thing led to another, and now my room is arranged in a way that I have TONS of floor space and it all looks so fucking organized, even with the piles of boxes still stacked on my desk. I even took a shower, and it's only fucking 9!
I feel SPECTACULAR. I don't think I've ever acomplished so much in one day, or had suck a great weekend.

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