July 04, 2009


So, I'm at home and bored, nothing new. I got my new issue of Cosmo today :D (I ripped out the picture of the money with eyes from the Geico ad and taped it to my door cuz i think he's cute)

But anyway, Brandon was supposed to be going to Ft Wayne tonight after hanging out with his friend, and he said he may stop by since it's on his way. I was reading Cosmo's "Cheatproof your love-- with 4 words" and thought "well, maybe this can apply to a friend ship to assure that you aren't blown off anymore. Instead of saying "you look so hot" I figured I could just apply the logic that "I appreciate your friendship"

So I text him, saying something along the lines of being excited about him coming to hang out a little and how I didn't think I could wait til tomorrow night to hang out with him since I missed him.

What happens? The same thing that ALWAYS happens. I end up waiting for a couple hours, asking him where he is and then have him tell me "I'm sorry, my plans changed" and I bring up the fact that I'm upset that he didn't tell me and he goes "sorry, don't hate me :( "

It honestly ALWAYS goes EXACTLY like that. It could just be a fluke. I mean, this issue of Cosmo DOES have Katy Perry one it (ew)... But more likely than that, he's just a lost cause.

When a guy is so clueless and self centered that he's COMSO-PROOF, you know there's nothing you can do.

FML. Even Cosmo can't help me.

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