July 31, 2009

migraines and work,

Migraines. Thank you Excedrin for taking it away, but fuck you for making me be so awake when I need to get to sleep.

I may not need a second job after all. I may get one anyway, but I won't NEED it (and therefor will likely not get one, oh well.) A girl I work with is moving out of the state, and will probably not be working here anymore, and she was our 9 o'clock opener and I may be able to get her position. That's almost 10 extra hours a week (I'll have to take a break, so it'll be more like 7 1/2. Either way, it'll be great.)

Those extra hours will pay for my phone bill well on their own. I could pay for it now anyway, but I prefer to have enough money to save a hundred from every check. It doesn't always pan out well. If it did I'd have well over a 1000 saved up, but I have money for when I have emergencies and that's what it's for, right? If I got some extra hours I'd be less likely to need to tap into my savings for little things like new tires and medicine though. I need some Excedrin of my own to keep in my purse so I don't have to be afraid of having a migraine when I'm hanging out with someone else.

Anyway, the future (and things in general) are looking up. I've managed to keep my room clean so far. GO ME!

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