September 15, 2011

keeping up

I've been so busy keep up with homework. But I'm actually keeping up with it and that's what matters. As of now, I feel horribly unprepared if I don't have my homework done 2 days before it's due. Which is why I haven't been blogging much. I thought I had a portrait due today for my drawing class. I didn't, but I did the homework last night and felt terrible about waiting so long for it. I need to redo it anyway, but I have til Tuesday and will probably do it this weekend.

Then I have a paper due tomorrow that I haven't even started (and really can't until I have my other notebook. I hate being unorganized.) But it's only a page and a half so I should be able to do that one just fine. I'm still feeling nervous and terrible about it though. I'm not working, which means I need to at least be doing well in school.

I've also been playing the Sims Social on facebok. It makes me want to play the real thing REAL bad. I don't have any money to buy it though. Funny thing about not having a job, right?


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