September 30, 2011


I downloaded Desktop Ponies, so Pinkie Pie is hopping all over my screen being adorable. :D

I turned in my paper for Americorps through IPFW, and have some sort of orientation on Tuesday with a guy in my boyfriend's office (cuz, he works in the office that I turned my Americorps app into.)

Also, I donated blood for the first time yesterday. I felt super dizzy and weak for a few hours afterwards, but much better now. Mostly I feel good because I'm doing things that help. I have to complete 300 hours of volunteer work through the next year for Americorps, which isn't much. I wanted to do more, but the program through IPFW apparently will give me money to help with school loans 4 times, so it's not like I'll be missing out. I still want to do more. Maybe a year.

My birthday is coming up! Next week :D


September 26, 2011


I'm probably taking a year away from school to join Americorp, by the way. I could go part time, but I want to dedicate 12 months of my life to something beyond myself, and I doubt the Peace Corp would want me quite yet.

I fucking want to join the Peace Corp someday.

my Secret

I tell everyone I want to join the military so I can pay for school. In reality, I just want to finally feel like my life serves a purpose.


September 23, 2011

fancy drug names are just ways of lying.

I accidentally took Ibuprofen today. Fuck Advil for not just calling itself what it is.

I have stomach cramps like I'm about to start my period. I want to curl up in a ball and die. At least I took it for a migraine, and not cramps. So instead of double my pain I just shifted it to something else. It actually did pretty well for migraine relief, and the rest of the symptoms. But god the cramps!


September 19, 2011


I don't make a point of trolling christians. I really don't.

But how hilarious is it for someone who is a minister to say that your opinion on religion is too biased to have a reasonable intelligent debate, all because I contradicted something he said.


September 15, 2011

keeping up

I've been so busy keep up with homework. But I'm actually keeping up with it and that's what matters. As of now, I feel horribly unprepared if I don't have my homework done 2 days before it's due. Which is why I haven't been blogging much. I thought I had a portrait due today for my drawing class. I didn't, but I did the homework last night and felt terrible about waiting so long for it. I need to redo it anyway, but I have til Tuesday and will probably do it this weekend.

Then I have a paper due tomorrow that I haven't even started (and really can't until I have my other notebook. I hate being unorganized.) But it's only a page and a half so I should be able to do that one just fine. I'm still feeling nervous and terrible about it though. I'm not working, which means I need to at least be doing well in school.

I've also been playing the Sims Social on facebok. It makes me want to play the real thing REAL bad. I don't have any money to buy it though. Funny thing about not having a job, right?


September 09, 2011

the E word

I'm really getting sick of the word emo.

Not because it's a label, or because of "emo-kids."

The word just doesn't taste the same in my mouth (or... the thought doesn't feel right in my head?) The word lacks the natural flow I like words to have. It wouldn't be a problem, since I'm in college, but some people on the internet are still talking about emos :C Emo is has been dumped into a nuclear waste land. Sure, there are some survivors, but they're grossly mutated and will probably die soon.

That's all, really.


September 06, 2011


Apparently, despite having a BMI of 25.7 (which is overweight) I have a hip to waist ratio of .67, which means I'm less likely to have death causing diseases than all you average sized/healthy BMI mofos.

Bitches, yeah. Genetics ftw.



No one likes being talked down to. Then again, no one likes it when someone tries to read more into what you said then is actually there. It's almost hurtful when someone who you have been with for a while assumes you're always using a "tone" with them. And otherwise annoying when others do as well.

I'm not a snarky person, unless provoked. When I am, it's pretty clear. When I don't know something, I'll just come out and say that I don't know. There's no snark or attitude about it. I'm not trying to imply something. I'm stating that I don't know. If I were to say something along the lines of "what, you can't figure it out yourself?" or "why should I know?" (or even, "why don't you know?") I can see hostility. But why, when in my normal casual voice would you read more into "I don't know" than is actually there?

It's one of those phrases that just doesn't give you much room for assumptions. I mean, I could give off a sense of anger or frustration by adding to the phrase and saying something like "I don't fucking know" but that still doesn't give someone a reason to read more into what I'm saying besides what I'm actually saying. Admitting lack of knowledge. Maybe I'm frustrated by it, maybe I'm feeling lost, but I'm definitely NOT making accusations or getting a "tone" with someone in those words.                    

I look into my little glass ball and see.... nothing :O
