I downloaded a tumblr app for my droid, but its an old phone, and an HTC at that, so it doesn't really work worth shit. The phone's functionality that is, the app runs as well as any other app that I have. I still haven't done much tumbling.
Still only halfway through my algebra, but I have 5 days to finish it and I'll be on campus with all my materials tomorrow. Then I'll do my drawing homework over the weekend :D Too confused to continue on with my Composition homework though. I mean, I can easily do what I think the assignment is, but I don't want to put in the effort yet until I get a response from the teacher. When it gets to be about 8 or 9, I'll just do it and hope for the best.
I'm really getting into the concept behind learning to draw. I used to get really frustrated with Michelle because I couldn't figure out how she approached drawing in a way that seemed so weird to me, and I couldn't mimic it no matter how hard I tried. I kinda get it now.
I probably never told her how pissed I've actually gotten in the past for not being able to copy the way she she drew (not the style itself, the process.) Well, if she ever stumbles here out of boredom she'll know now. I still loved you :P
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