August 26, 2011

Exaggerations and Attention Whoring

I know we all exaggerate. Sometimes its just to get a point across and everyone knows its an exaggeration, like saying, "it was like a million degrees in there." That's just a way to express that you thought it was really fucking hot, whereas stating an approximate temperature may not get the point across. I know people who complain about how 80 degrees Fahrenheit  is way too hot. The person exaggerating wants to get their feelings across without others letting the other's personal feelings prevent them understanding.

But I'm really tired of exaggeration for the sake of making ones self look better. Especially when the feat gets more and more improbable as they tell the story. Like when an awesome drawing originally took you an hour, and then you tell someone 45 minutes. and then a few weeks later tell someone 30, and somehow a few months later it was "like, maybe 10 minutes. If that. I just threw it together, you know?"

Maybe I just hate it when people feel the need to stroke their own ego in hopes of getting attention. Nothing good comes from wanting attention. Look at high school kids. And if the only conversations you have either involve you bragging about yourself or you talking down to/about other people, don't expect people to want to have many conversations with you. I know I have my own list of things I need to be taking care of. I don't have time to worry about other people's problems, especially if I'm not hearing them from the person themselves.

I still don't know what to post on my tumblr.


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