January 24, 2010


I'm crocheting. By crocheting I mean I'm making a really long chain link thingy because I can't figure anything else out yet. Ha. It's cool though. I'll figure it all out :)

I was writing Michelle an email and half way through I guess it logged me out an when I tried to send it I lost half of the email and now I feel really discouraged to finish it (sorry Michellephant :'( I'll get there eventually!)

Well, I'm hoping to crochet a scarf at least. If that goes well I'm gonna do a scarf with a different type of knot (or whateverthefuck you call them) and then try arm/wrist warmers.

Then if I ever get far enough to be good at this, I'll give knitting another try, but I was too retarded to handle it last time. Sure, freshman me was a retard, but I'm also still not great at crocheting and this isn't even my 3rd attempt. Probably 5th. Ha.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Try wrist warmers first; they're easy. All you have to do is stitch them together at the end, and you can probably find a video on how to do that on youtube...
here's one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WH8Lb4_qts
it's the same principles as sewing. :)

And, don't worry about the email. That's happened to me before, and I know how it feels. Take your time. :)
