Not just any book, nooo. I want a sick book. Something truly disgusting and grotesque. Something that most people probably couldn't stomach. I don't care the topic so much, as long as it's somewhere along the lines of sick drug use, rape, murder, suicide, pretty much any disgusting sexual act, and maybe tie paranormal shit into it (not "omg vampires and ghosts" demonic possession and the like.)
Why? because reading about serial kills is boring. I can only take so much information for me to store in the "reality" part of my brain. I need to store some shit in the "fiction" side. That fact that I have the desire to read such disturbing things makes me wonder about my subconscious mind, but not too much.
Now, to cover all to comments I found from Michelle in one place for simplicity.
First off, this is my hair at the moment:

Me accompanied by my big ugly yellow sunglasses and the scarf you made me. The two closest accessories to me at the moment. I understand your fear of facebook. There are a lot of people there and it can be very overwhelming. If it weren't for my fear of having my crops whither I'd avoid it altogether. Social Networking isn't your thing is it?
Thank you for liking my tattoo :) I'm quite in love with it. Definitly my second favorite so far (My Heart Plane is just too perfect to top it though)
I don't think prostitution could be the FIRST proffession, only reason being: people needed to money/cows/whatever to trade the prostitute for sex to begin with. They had to get those things somehow. And, if there weren't nice things to have then there would be no reason for prostitition and those nice things were made by proffesionals and then bought by the men who paid the prostitute for the sex. So probably not the FIRST proffesion, just one that has lasted the longest.
No, commenting with different names doesn't bother me :) it's very amusing.
I haven't listened to very much Lady Gaga (song snipets here and there) but for fashion value alone I like her :) and if AMANDA says that her lyrics are good (she mainly disagreed with her choice of musical genre) then she's fine by me as a musician.
And brother, I love you to death. I know I only "have a headache" when your around and doing something annoying... but I had the headache before-hand. But we were just talking then, and now your jumping up and down on my bed and throwing a cardboard tube at me. I hate being a kill joy like mom, but being annoyed when I already have a headache doesn't go well. Sorry :(
1 comment:
I feel very bad for not knowing what books to recommend you, as I haven't had the chance to read anything really good lately. I, too, am in the mood for something really grotesque and gorey. Shit that no well respecting girl would read. Tell me if you find anything good.
I like your hair. It's really pretty in those photos. :D And, I'm glad that you still wear that scarf! That makes me very happy. I'm actually knitting one just like it.. only it's knitted. :D
Well, before Lady Gaga was Lady Gaga, she wrote all kinds of songs for more popular artists, so she's a pretty excellent songwriter, in my opinion. Even if the song's about a discostick, the lyrics are... i can't really think of a word to describe them. But I like them. (:
My relationship is going through some weird shit, too. P & I had a fight about how I'm childish and refuse to clean up after myself (which i don't deny at all, but wont do anything about, which in turn frustrates even myself). Then, when we layed down to go to sleep, I started saying how I didn't feel like we were connected; that we were two separate entities and even though we were holding each other, we weren't close. He said that he didn't know what I was talking about, and that the thoughts that I was thinking were stupid/retarded/dumb. That made me mad and go into silent treatment mode. I just layed there thinking about shit for a while, and I finally decided to turn around and give an apology good night kiss, but before I could do anything, he kissed me. And there it was: instant connection. Everything that I'd thought I'd lost came back in a millisecond.
Love is weird.
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