January 02, 2010

The Weekend

Why do I feel the need to be such a cynical bitch?

Well, I hate stupidity for one. :\ I downright can't stand it. We all have dumb moments and make mistakes... but we don't have to be stupid about them.

Anyway, I'm getting my tattoo today. In about 2 hours. :) My rave birdy with AFP eyebrows will be GLORIOUS.
goodbye bare skin upon my foot.

Yes, Amanda Palmer is enough of an influence in my life that I have incorporated her into 3 of my 4 tattoos now.

And I just found out that my new Dresden Dolls shirt, that I've been wanting for YEARS just got a fucking bleach stain on it. A big one, in a very visible area. FUUUUCK. Must restrain cynical tendencies before more shirts are harmed.

Must continue to get ready.


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