September 11, 2009

I just realized that I'm REAL.

Just as I was starting to disconnect, shut down, and feel distant. So close. Slipping away from it all again.

Then I went on face book and scrolled through the news feed, looking at status updates. Caught my name in a comment, and it was someone I know from work, talking about me and my awesomeness. In seconds I pulled back together and all is now good again.

I may not have anything along the lines of friends anymore, but I'm still a part of the world. Other people not only recognize me and pieces of my personality, but they are impacted enough by my presence to mention me to others in general conversation.

Yep. I exist. And other people acknowledge it.

Also, mom, please stop facebook stalking me. I'm about to put you on my 'limited profile only' list. If I wanted you to know/read all those things I write to other people, I'd fucking tell you on any of the numerous occasions that I walk downstairs and hold idle chit chat with you.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

I once convinced myself that my entire life was just a dream and that I just woke up.

Then Patrick came home from work.