I just had a thought on the issue of Pitbulls with children.
For one, there were only 23 dog related deaths in the USA last year. Yes, about half of them were Pitbull related. And half of the attacks (from all breeds) were on children.
Trying to say the Pitbull has a bad temperament, and that it can just 'snap' at any time and attack seems a bit unreasonable. It's based off of people who just had their children mauled to death. The opinion is obviously biased, because if you still loved your little animal companion despite them tearing up your kid you have problems.
The thing is, the owners always talk about how sweet the dog always is. ALWAYS talk about it after the attack. They tell them that it's never seemed danagerous before. He's that thought I was talking about:
Who the FUCK would confess to maybe being a shitty owner right after their dog killed their family member? Who would say that "yeah, Jimmy could get rough with the dogs sometimes, but we didn't think they'd eventually fight back." And they almost ALWAYS left the kid alone with the dog. And most of the attacks happen in a city area (neighbors all around, and little yards with little picket fences) which anyone could tell you is no place for an animal unless the owner wants to walk it constantly and has a large enough (and fenced in) yard for the animal to have freedom. Animals weren't meant to be chained outside all night, or coopd up in a house all day. No matter how loyal they are it's not a good living enviroment.
Anyway. What my point is, what kind of dumbass would admit that the attack may have (quite possibly) been due to your inability to raise the animal, or teach your children poper care around it... or because you were a dumbass and left a very very young (sometimes less than one year old) child alone for more than 5 seconds while a large animal that could easily feel distressed (due to having a new whiney little brat around... the jealousy happens with a lot of dogs) and possibly lash out.
Bottom line is, 1) don't break up fighting dogs if the breed is naturally strong, quick and tough. Not because the dogs disposition, but because the fucking dog is fighting and any dog will nip and bite at you if you break up their fight. Pittbulls are just bigger and thougher. 2) don't fucking leave your baby's or children in a room with no one watching them but a dog. Don't leave a big strong dog of any kind with your grandma (esspecially if she's babysitting your young child.) and 3) if you treat a dog right, while assesing the fact that you are dominant to them, and let them know that their misbehavior won't be tollerated WHILE NOT ABUSING THEM, they'll be fine. oh, 4) once the kid is old enough to walk up to an animal, it's time to teach them not to touch, lean on, pull on the hair or ears of, or grab their arms around an animal. Esspecially one that may not like it, or may feel threatened.
Rotweilers are #2 on the list of dogs that aren't 'fit' for pets, and my uncles dog has nock my sister over more to protect her than to hurt her, and not once stepped on her, or jumped on anyone because my uncle let the bastard know thta HE was boss. The thing never attacked a soul.
Then again, what do I know, right? I must be stupid for believing the numerous possitive sources. I should always just assume the worst of everything that OTHER people do, but everything I do must be good, right?
(Pittbulls are funny looking but cute in a way)
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