I was looking around the deviantArt complaints forum (my absolute favorite forum on the web, period) and of course, someone was bitching about plastic surgery and how shallow someone would have to be to butcher their body like that.
I'm aware that even in the open minded world today, there are people who think that anyone with a tattoo is dirty, poor, a criminal, a drug addict, a wife beater, a thief or some combination of all of those. It's sad that that stereotype exists, but it does. Even my manager, a man with a tattoo looking to get another, doesn't fully trust men who apply for a job if they have a visible tattoo.
This prejudice, though stupid, can be somewhat understandable, seeing how there are a lot of people walking around with prison tattoos, and there are a lot of criminals who have them as well. Am I a criminal? No. My boyfriend has a record, but he's still a sweet guy (just not the brightest) and he would never plot out negativity on another. Even people at work with tattoos that they got in prison are nice enough.
However, people who've gotten plastic surgery, instead of a stigma for being a criminal, are shunned for being shallow, and told that they should have gone to therapy to fix their body issues instead of mutilating the body god gave them. Yes. People who accept other's tattoos will refer to implants and face lifts and nose jobs as mutilation. This is kinda of ridiculous. Sure, there are people who get surgeries due to low self esteem, but you know what, there are people who get tattoos to feel better about themselves as well.
I got my chest piece because I'm nearly flat chested, and always felt really self conscious when I wore shirts that on any other girl would show cleavage, and they just hung on me. My tattoo gave me the confidence I needed to wear something other than a t-shirt and not feel insecure. I'm proud to strut around in something cut so low that my bra almost shows. People look, and I don't feel like it's because I don't look feminine enough. Sure, that idea of my own image probably isn't true, but I now feel better about myself. It wasn't pointless decoration. I got it for the same reason someone would get breast implants. I think I would have gotten them, if it weren't for the price tag and costs for upkeep.
So, why is it that people are more accepting of someone who has unnatural color injected into their skin permanently, people who have designs carved inot their skin for the purpose of leaving scars, and people who poke holes of all sizes through any given place of their body, than they are accepting of someone who enhanced their looks in a generally natural looking way? Most plastic surgery fades in time, and the effects wear off. Tattoos, even after laser treatment can still be visible on occasions. Breast implants can be removed. Noses can be returned to their original state in most cases.
Maybe it's because people feel that because the person is making an enhancement to their body that looks natural, that they're trying to lie about themselves. Maybe. Maybe they fear that someone they're into is really plastic, and for some reason that freaks them out because they can't tell (sure, fake breast feel fake, but they really shouldn't make or break a relationship.)
Yes, you can point out that someone with too much plastic surgery looks atrocious, but most people, even those with tattoos, will say the same thing about people with an entire body of tattoos and piercings.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and as long as someone feels that whatever mod they did to themselves (tattoo, piercing, scarification, plastic surgery or any other you can think of) is happy with it and likes the way they look, other people should learn to keep their overly negative opinions to themselves. I don't care if you tell me you don't like or care for my tattoos, but there's no reason to criticize me as a person, or tell me that you hope I regret them so that I can realize how stupid I am. Show the same respect for people who get plastic surgery.
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