I don't know what to make of anything anymore. I'll get over it.
Halloween USA opened today. I'm going up tomorrow, but I don't have any money. They accidentally sent our paychecks to fucking Ohio, so we won't be getting them til Thursday, instead of tomorrow when I need it. I'm already psyched about Halloween though. I forgot how much I fucking love this holiday.
I'm also going to go see Metallica in Indy in about a month with Brandon. Hopefully I get to see Michelle a little this time.
I've finally decided to take the plunge and get a visible tattoo. I'm scared, but excited at the same time. I'm getting the symbol Leeloo from The Fifth Element has on her wrist. I've seen some people get them, like this, and ones that simply use lines instead of dots...
but I want it to be exact. Same colors, same everything. Like This, from the movie:
Tank Girl was my first 'punk girl' movie, the first time I saw such a strange, strong and unique chick. It was futuristic, but not cyber. She had her head shaved in places and had a pretty bad attitude. I only saw pieces of it when I was up late on a school night, trying not to fall asleep, but I'd been trying to figure out what the movie was for years and years and only happened to come across it somehow on the interent and finally, just this year, I got to watch it all. I fucking loved it.
Labyrinth... David Bowie. I believe that despite any other thing I may have said, David Bowie in that movie my first ever crush. The first villain that I liked more than the main character. The first time I really got into a fairy tail or the over the top glamorous outfits and masks and fantasy. I still remember seeing the movie in Wal-Mart and freaking out because I remembered it from my childhood but hadn't seen it since I was really young.
And then there's The Fifth Element. I think it was the first Cyber- futuristic movie I've ever seen, and I don't know why the fuck they don't make more of them . I love everything about those movies from the bright colors, unique clothing with stratigicly cut holes and so on. Bright unnatural hair colors, and a strong ties to things that were predicted in the past. I'm not remembering what they're called. Fuck me.
Anyway, I'm getting ink for all of those, starting with The Fifth Element. Maybe getting a maze tattoo for Labyrinth. I'm not sure what I'll do for Tank Girl, but I'll figure something bad ass out, even if it's only her comic book character.
Thinking of getting tattoos makes me feel a hell of a lot better...
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