He took me to Olive Garden. I'm aware that it's not exactly a 'jacket required' restaurant, but it was sooo nice. I mean, the waitress... I've never had a waitress try so hard and be so cheerful and actually try to make our meal beyond pleasant. She was also only like, 5 feet tall and it was interesting to watch her push he way through and around the other waitresses, because she kicked their asses.
I had a $6 piece of cake. It was spectacular. I was WORTH $6.
Then he took me to the mall, because I wanted to go buy more Anita Blake books from B&N. We ended up wondering around and I bought a new corset from Charlotte Russe. It's newspaper white and black, with lace. Super cute, and 25% off.
I bought it because I wore one :) I actually wore my beautiful black corset in public when it WASN'T halloween.
Later, at Wet Seal I got me a cute headband to top the whole thing off..
But anyway, after that, we were headed to the movie theater and some black guy, driving a really nice black car started following us. It was scary shit. He followed us around for about 10 minutes (through parking lots, random streets, and U-Turns) and Finally, I got a straight look at his face when we were going through ANOTHER parking lot, and I think the fact that I'd have been able to identify him made him back off. Fucking psycho people.
We saw Inglorious Bastards. It was funny at points, because redneck behavior is funny... But I was surprised how much I like it, simply because most of the movie was in French and German. Very little English and subtitles galore. The previews don't do the thing justice, it makes it look like a movie about those hicks killing the nazis, but it's not. It's about a French Jewish girl getting revenge on the nazis for the death of her family. The Americans just play a part in it all.
We went back to his place to watch Coraline (what I saw was good. I ended up asleep about halfway through). After I woke back up from my nap he had a bit of alcohol in him, and started to hug me and hold me and was telling me how much he missed me and how he hated himself for letting me go and that he just couldn't understand how I could love him so much and he was crying and telling me that he didn't deserve me. He said he had wanted to marry me, not now, but down the road, but he never wanted to tell me any of that because he didn't want me to think less of him for being a pussy, but that he realizes now that I'm the first girl he's been with that's really loved him.
Yes, we're together again. Sometimes it take the sweet alcohol-induced confession to make you realize how much you mean to someone else. And fuck, I do still love him. Not in the same obsessive way I used to. I mean, fuck, I have problems (jealousy, paranoia, excessive short-temperedness) and I need to get over them because those aren't a part of love. I almost think I like the fucked-up way I look at things. Bad me.
Going to read Bloody Bones now.
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