this is a Wordle. You take words and type them into this big box on and it makes this bad ass shit!
This is made from the lyrics of all my favorite Amanda Palmer lyrics. You can change their colors and text and the directions the words go (vertical, horizontal both...)
This is almost as awesome as the fact that Wendy's now has ISpy toys! I FUCKING LOVE I Spy! Once I'm moved in, I plan on making my very own I Spy pictures. I have the shit to do it. Random odds and ends. Beads, hairclips, push pins bracelets little plastic soldiers and dinosaurs. buttons... It'll be easy. :D I can't wait.
Today was shitty. I hate my job. I love love LOVE my boyfriend and my poor brother is going through a lot of shit right now. I cashed my check. I found the tiles Brandon and I need for the floors which is good, but expensive.
But Wordle makes all that shit okay.
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