February 09, 2009


This is a better picture of my hair. Nuclear Red. Special Effects. That red thing I'm eating is my red Dell. I swear I should get a Dell commercial of my own for having hair that matched my fuckin' laptop.

I was looking at Macs though, and they have one called Alpine Green and it's downright teal. You know how I feel about teal! but the only Mac Book I could ever afford is 13" screen. I can't go from a 17" widescreen to a 13" regular one. Maybe a 15" one, but not 13. Also pictured are my new black and red glasses. bad ass. I need some lip gloss that gives my lips a more red color, to balance my face out.

OH! mom did my tax returns, I'm getting back $325 total. the X-pole is $299. So I'm putting my whole return into savings and KEEPING IT THERE until Brandon get outs, because I have no use for it in my cramped basement. Plus, I still may be able to talk Brandon into paying for 1/2 of it.

I'm still having problems with him though. I wanna just ignore it all and pretend nothing bad is going on, but if I'm gonna be moving in with him shit better get settled because I don't wanna have to move back home. I don't want our relationship to go sour, but he just doesn't want to talk anything out.

well. TV has eliminated my options by putting Obama on. I love the guy, but I'd rather CHOOSE to watch him than have to. Maybe I'll put a movie in. Or maybe I just don't care.

My cold is slightly better, I'm gonna be on my period soon and it gonna be shitty. I hate my job. My relationship looks like it's falling apart. life just fucking sucks.


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