I've found dark blues, light blues with any give color, multiple small stripes teamed with big ones... but I think I found it!
okay. So the stripes are on the small side, and the blue (which I now find it aqua... I never knew wendy wore aqua, but this color matches my picture perfectly) stripes a bit smaller than the white, but considering this is the only fabric I've found that had stripes this close, I think I'm gonna use it. It's 100% cotton, so it may be kidna thin so I may have to line it... but it's okay, since I found the perfect pattern for it. Too bad there's only one pattern in the whole thing that I want. There's usually at least 2. I found ANOTHER pattern that was kinda similar, but I want accuracy for this. It's sadly a really big deal to me.
and my God could Brandon get any sweeter? I've been really nervous and uneasy lately. Obviously. He's been trying so hard. and it's just so sweet. Needless to say I'm PMSing pretty badly. It's not usually so bad, but bad PMSing for me has tended to mean less crampage for my period. Will that for sure be the case? probably not, but I can dream right? I already stocked up on tampons so I should be set.
But sweet sweet Brandon. Trying to make me feel better. Telling me how it will all be okay. what a great guy. <3 He agreed to cosplay as Ronald McDonald at Ikazucon (I believe that's the spelling) but we're both going as slightly punk versions of our fast food icons. His outfit it gonna be cute. It's already planned out.
Oh, new Cosmo is out. I'm gonna read it when I'm done typing this. I may have more to talk about when I'm finished :D

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