Okay. So I was really worried that Brittany's hair would turn out shitty. the picture to the left would be her hair. I'm not
too enthused by how it came out, but it definitely could have been worse. She said it was okay, and she just wants me to touch it up to make it darker. :D YAY! first time dying someones hair and I haven't completely fucked it up yet!
plus, we get along pretty well so far. She get really talkative when she's nervous, which is good cuz I get quite when I am, so there was never really much silence, and it's only the first time I ever talked to her in person. that's pretty well unheard of for me.
However, it seems a bit like when I met Kim and Michelle. My good friends just kinda fall into my lap by accident and it usually works out. When I make an effort to be friends with people it never ends well. Hopefully her fiance Aaron gets along with Brandon. That way Jacob, Aaron and Brandon can all go to my house and me and her can hang out. We can all go to concerts together... She won't try to steal my boyfriend and I have no interest in trying to steal hers. It works quite well.
It was a crazy Valentines day today. My headache carried over to the morning, so I felt like utter shit. I ate breakfast when dad made it really early in the morning. I just laid back in bed and tried to sleep the pain off before I went to town. Then dad made lunch and I felt even worse. I apologized to Brandon for not being able to talk to him last night (I was about to drive Brittany to wal-mart to get bleach. I don't drive too well with a phone to my ear, and I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I still felt really bad though) and he was all upset with me so we were text arguing. Then I threw up Breakfast AND lunch. But I started to feel better after that.
Me and Brandon resolved our problem like we always do and I headed to town early to get some tissuepaper for his V-day gift. At Wal-Mart I found a better bag than the one I bought at Dollar Tree, and it came with tissue paper and curled ribbon. I also got a bag with cupcakes on it, cuz it was 50 cents and adorable. I still felt like I wasn't getting him enough, so I walked around the few spots with Valentine's stuff and I didn't see anything I wanted to get him, so I started to head out to check out and BAM right there I saw a bag of heart shaped chocolate covered pretzels. The EXACT thing I was looking for a few weeks ago. So I bought 2 bags for him. Went to check out and rang everything in in the self-checkout just to realize I left my debit card at home. The only money I had with me was the $15 left from the twenty brandon gave me for gas and subway... But I already rang it all in so I just payed for it with that.
I dug around in my purse hoping to find a few dollars and only found one. I had Jacob drive all the way across town to give me some money to help me buy Subway for me and Brandon (I didn't want to upset him more by saying I left it at home, and I didn't want to have to drive all the way home if I didn't have to)... SO Jacob gets there and tells me that ALL foot longs are only $5 right now.... .................................................... fuck. If I had just walk into the Subway I would have saw the sign. I thought they were only doing that for certain subs still. Problem solved though.

Drove back and me and Brandon did a verbal make-up (we always appologize again in person when we fight through texts) and I went and set his stuff up in the break room. Yeah. I took a pic cuz I loved the bag so much. And that's a chocolate rose :D and then I go down to talk to him and Tia comes up crying because one of her friend was texting Brandon (his phone used to be hers, so I guess Tia never told him that she changed phones) and Brandon was pretending to be her and Micheal almost broke up with Tia because of it. I got mad at him. I don't care if Tia isn't my favorite person ever, you don't do shit that could make my little sister cry (she fucking 13. she's immature and stupid, but she's only 13)... He took his break and I sat there crying because he didn't get it and he sat there pretending I wasn't crying. He opened his present and I left to go blow my nose because I was STILL crying. I think that's when it hit him that maaaybe he had done something wrong. And he started being a bit sweeter again.
He left to go get my present from his car and Mom came up cuz she heard that I was crying (a guy came up while we were there, and told her) and we talked for a bit and I was starting to worry about Brandon since he'd been gone for a while. I went all the way to the front of the store just as he was getting in and I swear he was crying a bit ): poor thing. He was sniffling, like you do when you manage to hold back tears. That's when everything got okay again.

He gave me my presents, a really sweet note (I've nearly cried every time I've read it) a box of those chocolate turtles and a big heart shaped locket. The chain on the locket was broken, but I fixed it with a safety pin. He still looked upset, so I hugged him and we held eachother and cuddled and all that sweet lovey dovey crap that Valentine's day is all about. (OMG the "
any sub $5 foot long commercial just came on. I still feels so stupid for that) and I think he started to feel a bit better. He still doesn't understand how I could love him. He really doesn't. It make me so sad, because he's my baby <3

I really love the locket. I've ALWAYS wanted one, but only ever found heart shaped pendants or fake lockets (the -look- like they open, but don't. gay)... but as you can clearly see, this one opens, and it holds pictures. Two of em. I need to get two pictures of us for it (or two of him, or one of each of us) so I can put them in there. He's so fucking sweet. I hate that I get mad at him (but sometimes I also hate that he isn't more mature. It's who he is though, and I'll learn to accept it... within reason. )
There is ONE good thing about fights like that. We always make it through, and when we make up it leaves me with this renewal feeling. Like, the sweet little happiness you have at the start of your relationship. I felt that the whole drive home (and the whole time we talked on the phone. and still now) That "omg, I LOVE that he LOVES me and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH" thing. It's great.
Happy VD,