June 21, 2011

On love

"You know why people get addicted to coke? The first time you do it is fucking amazing. Blows your fucking mind, and then you come down and feel like shit so you want more. The second time is okay. Not as good, just okay. Maybe it'll be better if you have more... and more... but the high just gets shorter and the crash gets worse and what you never realize is that it will NEVER be as good as your first time."

That is some deep shit for a comic called cheer up emo kid. And oddly true. I understand a lot about the relationship I used to have with brandon. and the shit we put each other through. And how terrible is was. But, the first love is the one you remember the most, isn't it? I still can't bring myself to hate him, which is why I stay away like he has the plague (probably does.) but it never stops me from wondering if he's okay, and hoping his life gets in better order some day. Fuck those thoughts.


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