March 04, 2009

Some random thoughts on moving and lifestyle changes (as in, dieting)

I got my second car load of boxes to Brandon's house. I fit 12 boxes into my car for tomorrow. Jacob is going to take 6 for me as well for letting him use my bass and amp. that leaves... 13 boxes that are packed at the moment. I still need to box up my more fragile stuff, like my lava lamps and such. And get my odds and ends sorted out... get my Desktop over there. My room looks really empty and it makes me feel gooood. I'm almost there. I'm almost out!

The guy came to turn the water on today. There's a leak somewhere at the main shutoff in the house (thankfully not the main shutoff on the street; that would require extensive repairs.) My dad will be back from Canada tomorrow i think, so he'll be able to take care of all that shit. The floor will have to wait though, sadly. We just won't have the money yet.

He wants to get his tattoos to celebrate getting out of jail (since I'll be on my period most of our week off, that's basically the only celebration he'll get. We'll probably argue a LOT, but going to Golden Coral and Penguin Point and the Pancake House will make up for it)...

I want a tattoo too. I think I want a pikachu (I may be fucking lame, but at least I'm not delusional enough to think I like the Mario games when I was younger. I was bad at them. I didn't play them) and he's gonna be right below my outter ankle and he'll be shooting a blue lightning bold like he did in the original Super Smash Bros, and it'll go down my foot to my toes. Bas Ass.

Not to mention I'd rather have my X pole NOW to exercise than a new floor. I know. Priorities. I like exercise. Well, I need it. I worked out for 15 minutes this morning. Then I carried boxes to my house for 10 minutes. Then I carried boxes to my car for 15 minutes. 45 minutes of workout including weight training and cardio :D (but I ate Burger King and had their Irish shake. yuuum. but baaaad)

ugh. I'm gonna go to bed. I want to make sure I have time to work out tomorrow morning. And I start my pasta thing tomorrow. I need an extra big breakfast because I'll only be able to eat a small lunch (wendy's obviously doesn't have pasta...)



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