March 22, 2009
Last day before Brandon and I officially get back to the work force. Good day. I made cinnoman rolls for breakfast :D I worked on the puzzle a bit and me and Brandon jammed a bit (he played his new instruments while I screwed around on my tiny guitar)... When we were at Guitar Center yesterday we found out that they had Ukes there. $100 for the cheapest one. I really want one. I have to save though, because money don't grow on trees bitches. I got bills to pay.
After a bit we ate and went on a walk through the river greenway. A lot of trees are gone there. Probably due to the floods that happened a while back. I had a hell of a time keeping my breath though. I'm so out of shape. But by the time we were on our way back I was breathing a bit better. Dad brought my bike over, so I'll be biking daily I hope.
Kandi was supposed to come over today. But some stuff happened and she couldn't ): Michelle and I never went and hung out yesterday either. Sucks. But I had Brandon so it was cool. I finally put a little bit of A&D on my tattoo. The rash thing was starting to clear up, and I only used a little... as in, a lot less than I had before. It got kinda itchy and I've got more red bumps now ): I need some hypoalergenic stuff. ;_;
Went back to my parents house to eat. :D pork and beans bitches! I love that. We took home leftovers. While we were there we watched some gardening show and now Brandon wants us to work on the yard to make it pretty :) so we went to Rural King and then K-mart to look at gardening stuff... which is were we found that bear with the gnome under its paw. Fucking funny. I want that. On our way to the exit Brandon stopped to read the Guiness Book of World Records and I ventured over to the artsy stuff the next row over. I found a huge box of Crayola Sidewalk Chalk. Only $5. Yeah. There are so many colors. :'D 3 whites, 2 greys (sad attempts at black. but at least they tried) and 2 shades of every color of the rainbow... and pink. and brown. It's a chalk lovers wet dream. We had fun with them.
Water is finally running again. Still cold though. At least I can wash my hands and flush now.
hopefully going to the library tomorrow after work. Maybe a bike ride through the trails. I prefer taco bells connection because they don't limit my sites (I really missed gaia back in the summer days I spent here) but I have to at least buy a drink to stay there and their food has been upsetting my stomach.
march 23
at taco bell for brandon's lunch :D I have some pictures of my black hair to upload now, cuz I took them last night. I'll separate them from the others by putting them at the bottom.

<3 S
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