march 18, 2009
So. I haven't really had time to blog since I moved out. I've been keeping myself busy for the most part... Things have been WONDERFUL though, despite me being on my period. I got my new tattoo, and it hurt like a bitch, but it looks awesome... Except I picked at it a little this morning because the skin was peeling. I hope that's not going to compromise the outcome considering it was peeling off anyway... right? Oh well. I love it. I used to not like lowcut shirts because it just accentuated the fact that I don't have any cleavage because my boobs are tiny, but now I like my low cut tops because I can show my tattoo off. Who cares if I don't have boobs, I have a bitchen tattoo.
Brandon got his done too. Even though it's black and white it's really really good. A memorial to his parents. It turned out beautifully.
Now, my room is starting to very slowly come together. We got some shelves up, and got almost all of the stuff that isn't mine out. All of it, actually, now that I think about it. Got that done today. Brandon stayed up all night working on it. Yeah, he's awesome.
Went shopping, got some orange hairdye that I'm kinda excited to try in the fall. I need to dye my hair black soon, but we don't have warm water at the moment. I haven't showered since we finally go the water working on sunday. I was the only person to get a hot shower. Poor Brandon. Water pressure in the kitchen sink is still really low, but we got a new fixture for it at Good Will. That was what was wrong with the shower's water pressure. . .
Brandon's friend is over... Albert or Arthur. I don't fucking know which one. The one with the beard. :) I'm happy he's hanging out with someone, that way he doesn't hold it against me that I hung out with Michelle today. I don't think he would, but it means he can't. Yeah, Michelle came over and we reminiced about high school by going though my high school shit. We're going to take pictures either tomorrow or Sunday. Fucking awesome. XD
march 19, 2009
so I have this nasty habbit, right? I like to pick at scabs. It's a bit of an OCD thing I've had going on my whole life. So, I think, thanks to this habbit of mine, I've fucked up my tattoo in a few places. It was just going through the skin peeling phase and due to it's visibility and my OCD-like scab picking I've been in front of a mirror. I was only removing the skin that was peeled or flaking off, not really picking at anything that wasn't ready to be picked at. I figured it wouldn't do too much damage because the skin I was picking was already detached from the tattoo/my body.
Unfortunatly there are some place where the tattoo is a bit thick. I don't know why it does that in some places, but as I rub the ointment on I can feel it... I have mostly smooth skin on my tattoo now, ecxept for those places... so I get this urge to pick... It's mostly in the line work, and the areas with black ink... but I had a little bit in a colored part... and I picked at it a little (I'm not letting myself sit in front of a mirror with my tattoo visible anymore. it's baaaad) and it too the tattooed part clean off and bled a little... I hate myself right now ): I always fuck stuff like that up.I have no patience.
I also finally dyed my hair black. I like having black having black hair, It complements my skin just as well as any other color I've done my hair in... but the color looks so unnatural. ): you can just tell that it's dyed. I mean, people who know me will know it'd dyed, but unless my hair is unnaturally colored (or bleached blonde) I want it to look semi natural. It's not like it has a blue or purple hue like other dyes do... it's just too -black-... I guess naturally black hair is usually a different and lighter shade. :\ Maybe I just need to wait and wash it. I'll probably take some of the unatural hues out. We don't have hot water. Not even warm water. Dad will be working on the water heater tomorrow. It's leaking and may need replaced... Just rinsing the dye out hurt because of how cold it was... and we had to turn our water off again because of the leak. It's just little, but it can apparently add up with the water bill comes.
My skin around my tattoo is all broken out. Brandon said the A&D Ointment is causing it. It sucks. and it itches... and for some reason is causing my shoulder to break out as well. I've never had my chest break out before... a little of the tattooed skin is like that too. ick.
I work tomorrow. And Brandon is gonna take me in cuz he doesn't :D what a sweetie! Then I get to take pictures with Michelle on Saturday... My last orthodonitst appointment ever was today. And I got my box of stuff. Everything fits but the 2 pairs of capris, but they almost do. Soooo close. The skirt fits like a glove :D
Well... going to watch Harry Potter and go to bed.
At taco bell with Brandon. <3 Just got back from ft. wayne. Hopefully going to see Michelle later for a photoshoot... and now, pictures...

oh, and i dyed my hair black :D